Our Approach
Hello Friends!
My name is Erika Horton and I am so incredibly happy that you are here right now!
I created this website as a way for me to spend time focusing on things that I absolutely love to do; write and communicate with others.
This past year has taken me on a roller coaster of experiences and emotions. I have lived in four different towns in the last 12 months, I have met many many different kinds of people, and have learned so incredibly much about myself along the way. My goal for Letters from Erika is to create an environment that is warm and welcoming to everyone and to share stories and advice from things that I have learned myself.
This website is my absolute favorite hobby at the moment and I hope that you have just as much fun reading and engaging as I do when I am writing! Thank you so much for your time and focus. I can’t wait to see where this goes!